Best Times and Places to See the Solar Eclipse in and around St. Louis

While not precisely in the path of totality, St. Louis will see 99% of the sun blocked by the moon at 1:56 p.m. If driving an hour or two to mid-Missouri isn’t in the cards for you, one of the next best views may be aboard the riverboats on the Mississippi River near St. Louis’ iconic Gateway Arch. There are, of course, other unique ways to witness the phenomenon: Passengers booked on the 1:30 p.m. will have a memorable eclipse viewing experience. The aptly-named Moonrise Hotel is hosting an eclipse party on its rooftop garden. , about 30 minutes out of town, is opening its 40-acre vineyard to give folks a view of the celestial show.

An eclipse is when a science center can really shine and the Saint Louis Science Center is no exception. It is hosting a series of lectures to help audiences understand the eclipse, explaining the mechanics of an eclipse to help everyone get the most out of this rare experience. Also stepping up for science are the folks at the Saint Louis Astronomical Society who are having a viewing party to help show younger generations the magic of space.